Threatening strikes in the USA expected

After the rail transport strikes in Canada were successfully averted, there is now a threat of strikes in the USA. Six out of ten of the biggest ports in the US Gulf- and Eastcoast are affected.

Longshoremen from the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) and the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX) are currently negotiating a new contract, but have so far been unable to reach an agreement. In addition to the demand for massive wage increses, a major point of contention is an autonomously controlled handling program that is used in several ports. The ILA dock workers are worried that they could be replaced mechanically and systematically.

The current contracts expire on September 30th 2024. If no agreement has been reached by then, strikes can occur with significant consequences. Around 14,500 dock workers  are affected. A strike woul lead to major delays in the entire cargo transport. Rate increases for sea transports are also conceivable.